5 tips to make House Moving Easier
Great indeed! You just landed your dream and job, decided to move closer to your new workstation and luckily enough you found an affordable apartment on ToLet. But the frustration of packing your possessions keeps cheating on your excitement.
House moving is an overwhelming experience but has always been stressful in Nigeria due to road conditions and availability of professionals movers in the country. MoveMe shares 5 stress-free tips to move your house.
1. Arrange your packing
Arrange for your packing by labelling each box as it is packed and packed similar items together, to avoid spending unnecessary hours to finding items in the wrong boxes before placing them where they belong. Professional Movers now offer labelling services for your possessions as to ease arrangements at your new house.
ALSO READ: Items You Don’t Pack When Moving
2. Specify a packing and moving day
The packing day should be free from all other activities such as work or household chores. This will assist you in making necessary preparations before the mover arrives and reduces fatigue after you must have arrived at your new home. Setting a specific packing day will make you prepare for essentials such as canned food, toiletries, towels, tool box and other items you will need few hours to the packing.
ALSO READ: 5 Decor Mistakes to Avoid When Moving
3. Don’t do it on your own
You can have a pool of friends willing to assist you with the packing when you are moving to your new house. Don’t underestimate the duration it will take you to pack and unpack the items. Items in the less utilized rooms of the house should be packed first. The entertainment room, bathroom and the kitchen should be packed before bedrooms and family rooms. Decorations, paintings and framed pictures should be packed before cookware and toiletries.
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4. Plan your schedule
Planning is required in everything we do including house moving. There should be a strategic plan for packing process, it is always advisable to start packing from the larger/outer rooms of the house and move from room-to-room. Items in the bathroom should not be packed before the kitchen likewise the bedroom shouldn’t be packed before the living room. Label each box based on contents and rooms it was packed from.
ALSO READ: Items You Don’t Pack When Moving
5. Hire a professional house mover
It should be included in your plan to hire the service of professional movers so as to ease up the process. choosing a professional mover is a smart decision that ensures the best protection of your household goods and saves your time and effort, having professional movers will greatly reduce your stress and worth the investment. Professional Movers offer packing options such as strong/big carton and tapes to tighten your possessions and protect them for damages.
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[…] ALSO READ: 5 Tips to make House Moving Easier […]
[…] House moving is a stressful task and requires lots of strengths, that is one of the reasons why you hired professional movers. Most people realise just how difficult moving is, especially the physical aspect. Once the movers have arrived and begun to load or unload. Individual wonder what to give the movers or tip except for their initial payment. ALSO READ: 5 Tips to make House Moving Easier […]
[…] ALSO READ: 5 tips to make House Moving Easier […]
[…] ALSO READ: 5 tips to make House Moving Easier […]